Claire Geel completed her PhD in Geology in 2020 at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her doctoral research was on the diagenetic, thermal and provenance histories of the Permian lower Ecca Group in the western and eastern main Karoo Basin, South Africa.
The postdoctoral research project aims to define what geochemical or isotopic signatures may provide vectors towards zinc and lead mineralization in host limestones across Ireland.
Project title: Ireland - Geochemical Vectors
Technical description
This research project will involve measuring and mapping trace element contents in sulphide and non-sulphide minerals. In addition to measuring and mapping trace element contents, the project will also involve determination of the sulphur isotopic composition of the pyrites and may involve additional isotopic systems such as Pb, Nd, and Sr. The project will also involve compilation of lithogeochemical data and prior trace element data on sulphides from across Ireland to create a comprehensive database. The aim of the project is to define what trace elements and/or isotopic values may provide a vector toward Zn-Pb mineralization in host limestones. The project will involve selection and detailed logging of suitable drillholes to develop a sample suite that will allow evaluation of the vector hypothesis. Analytical work will be conducted both at UCD's NCIG and using TCD's TESCAN platform. The project will also involve compilation of lithogeochemical data and prior trace element data on sulphides from across Ireland to create a comprehensive database.
- Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Area
- Earth Resources
- Mineral Exploration