Koen Torremans is a structural geologist who specializes in mineral deposits in sedimentary basins. He is currently Assistant Professor (Ad Astra Lecturer) at University College Dublin, Ireland.
At iCRAG, Koen’s research focuses on analysing structural and stratigraphic controls on mineral deposits at a regional and deposit scale. He is currently actively working on the Irish Orefield, the Central African Copperbelt and the Gariep Belt.
Sustainable access to mineral resources is of critical importance to our society. Many metals are essential components in our transport, energy economy, construction alloys or electronics and are extracted from the subsurface. But because the depth at which we find these resources increases year after year, we have to get smarter at finding them. Much of Koen's research attempts to understand where these metals can be found in the Irish subsurface. For this, he uses 3D visualisations of many different types of subsurface data and analyses how they relate to one another.
Koen has worked extensively on base metal deposits in sedimentary basins, applying a wide variety of techniques to elucidate ore deposit formation, fluid flow and structural controls. This includes 3D geological modelling, structural analysis, basin analysis, stable isotope geochemistry, fluid inclusion analysis, and numerical modelling techniques.
- Funded Investigator
Research Area
- Earth Resources
- Mineral Exploration