Members and staff of the Southern Regional Assembly (SRA) paid a visit to iCRAG on Thursday 17thDecember. The study visit provided an opportunity to learn about the work of the centre and how it contributes to the aims of the ERDF co-funded regional programme managed by the Assembly. The regional programme has at its core an objective to support world-leading research and development allied with the commercialisation of that research.
iCrag Director, Prof. John Walsh delivered a short talk to the delegation, which was followed by a tour of iCRAG HQ in UCD.
The Southern Regional Assembly is one of three Assemblies in the Republic of Ireland. As Managing Authority for the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, the Assembly oversees the five priorities which are:
- Strengthening Research, Technology Development and Innovation
- Information and Communications Technology Infrastructure
- SME Competitiveness
- Support the shift towards a low-carbon economy
- Sustainable Urban Development.