Prof. Robert Gawthorpe
- University of Leeds
Prof. Gawthorpe holds a PhD from the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Leeds and joined the department of Earth Science at the University of Bergen in 2010 as Professor of Petroleum Geoscience. Previously a Professor of Sedimentology and Tectonics at the University of Manchester, Prof. Gawthorpe led the Basin Studies and Petroleum Geoscience Group. Prof. Gawthorpeâs research is wide-ranging, integrating geomorphology, sedimentology, stratigraphy and tectonics to study tectonically-active landscapes and sedimentary basin evolution. One of his major research areas is sedimentation and tectonics in rift basins, including the role of fault growth and linkage in controlling rift topography and syn-rift stratigraphy. His research also tackles sequence stratigraphic concepts. These research areas utilize both outcrop and subsurface data and are important for reservoir characterization and the development of exploration concepts. Prof. Gawthorpe is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, a member of the Norwegian Geological Society, and a Member of the American Geophysical Union.