Dr. Tomas Buitendijk is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at iCRAG, working on the Taking Stock project together with Dr. Mark Coughlan (iCRAG), Dr. Geertje Schuitema (iCRAG), and Prof. Tasman Crowe (Earth Institute). Tomas has a background in the Environmental Humanities. He graduated with a BA (Hons.) in Liberal Arts & Sciences from University College Utrecht and an MPhil in Comparative Literature from Trinity College Dublin. He completed his PhD in English at Dublin City University in 2021, having studied changing representations of marine environments under the influence of climate change. Before Taking Stock, Tomas contributed to the Ireland-Wales Ecostructure project. As part of this work, he engaged with communities in south Co. Wicklow (Ireland) to understand the relationship between people and places in the coastal landscape. He also studied how this connection might be affected during periods of change, for example when new infrastructure is introduced.
- Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Area
- Earth Science in Society
- Responsible Decision Making